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Polyester Fiber News

This week, the weekly average prices of polyester products and raw material products monitored by Zhuochuang Information mostly fell and a few rose. The specific products that fell were: polyester chips (-0.37%), PTA (-1.23%), and polyester filaments (-0.37%). 1.55%), PET bottle grade (-1.59%), polyester staple fiber (-2.22%), ethylene glycol (-2.24%); the only rising product is: PX (0.71%). Ethylene glycol was the first decliner, which fell by 2.24% from the previous month. This week, due to the rebound in crude oil prices and the slight delay in the commissioning of new devices, the spot price rebounded to a certain extent, but the overall operation remained weak and the spot basis The premium slightly strengthened and then narrowed again. The second drop was polyester staple fiber, which fell by 2.22% month-on-month. From Friday to Tuesday, crude oil fluctuated within a narrow range, PTA and ethylene glycol fluctuated, and polyester staple fiber cost support was insufficient, and new orders from downstream spinning mills were lacking. , The purchase of raw materials is mostly based on rigid demand, the shipment of staple fiber is not smooth, the quotations of staple fiber factories have been lowered one after another, and the focus of market transactions has fallen. PTA Weekly Summary: PTA market fluctuated within a narrow range this week. PTA destocking is good and it is difficult to conceal the negative expectations of new production capacity. The market mentality is cautious. Crude oil surged during the week, which strengthened PTA cost support. This week, the PTA operating load dropped. Although the production capacity was restarted at 1.5 million tons, the new maintenance capacity was 2.09 million tons, and the production reduction lost 2.325 million tons. The downstream polyester operating load remained above 90% and PTA continued to destock. At the beginning of this week, the downstream polyester filament factory promoted sales. The production and sales of polyester filament were once hot, but the high production and sales lacked sustainability. At present, under the low processing fee of PTA, the whole industry is theoretically losing money. The increase in crude oil has strengthened the support of PTA costs, and the increase in oil prices will quickly be transmitted to PTA. On April 14, the PTA warehouse receipts and effective forecast conversion stocks amounted to about 1.42 million tons, which fell by about 140,000 tons in a single week. The warehouse receipts continued to flow out, which was negative for PTA prices. In the end, the average spot price of PTA closed at 4379 yuan/ton during the week, down 1.23% from the previous week. This week, the average CFR China price of cargo in US dollars closed at US$632/ton, down 2.02% from the previous week.

Recycled polyester industry chain:

This week, the market prices of the three recycled polyester products monitored by Zhuochuang have all dropped. This week, the recycled PET market remained stable, and the weekly average price was flat month-on-month; the mainstream market price of recycled general fiber fell weakly, and the weekly average price fell 2.03% month-on-month; the mainstream market price of recycled hollow fiber was weak, and the weekly average price fell 1.44% month-on-month; The market price of regrown silk was weakly adjusted, and the weekly average price fell 0.62% month-on-month. It is expected that the market price of recycled PET next week will have a higher probability of going sideways; the market price of recycled ordinary fiber is weak and difficult to change; the low price of recycled hollow market will increase; the market price range of regrown silk will maintain.

Nylon Industry Chain:

The domestic PA6 market continued its weak operation this week. As of Thursday's close, the focus of mainstream shipments of conventional spinning bright slices at the polymerization plant was self-extracted with reference to 13,400-13700 yuan/ton in cash, which was 0.73% lower than the closing price of last Thursday. The average price of conventional spun bright slices this week refers to 13,590 yuan/ton, which is 0.98% lower than the average price of last week. During the week, the raw material caprolactam market was weak and fluctuating, the chip market lacked good news support, and the chip supply was abundant, while downstream demand was slow to follow up, so the overall market transaction focus shifted slightly. Downstream customers generally maintain a cautious mood, focusing on small orders, poor stocking intentions, and unabated sentiment in the market. Traders have greater resistance to shipments, and the actual volume of documents is negotiated. The focus of the mainstream negotiation of high-speed spinning chips spot spot refers to the acceptance delivery of 14,800-15,000 yuan/ton, which is stable compared with the closing price of last Thursday. Zhuo Chuang expects the short-term PA6 market to be weak and volatile, but does not rule out the possibility of a slight rebound.

Acrylic fiber industry chain:

Acrylic fiber prices remained high this week. The raw material acrylonitrile price fluctuated weakly, the cost support of acrylic fiber was expected to weaken, and downstream users had a strong wait-and-see attitude. However, the Northeast factory gradually stopped production for maintenance, and the industry equipment load dropped to around 30%, and the manufacturers' offers were temporarily stabilized. By the end of the market, the East China acrylic staple fiber 1.5D temporarily refers to 19200-20000 yuan/ton; the 3D acrylic tow temporarily refers to 19100-19700 yuan/ton, and the 3D acrylic fiber top price temporarily refers to around 20,600 yuan/ton. The price of raw material acrylonitrile manufacturers fluctuated downward, and the acrylic fiber cost support was expected to weaken during the month. However, large factories in the northeast were gradually overhauled, and the industry equipment load fell to a relatively low level, and the manufacturers' offer mentality was temporarily stabilized. In the short-term, pay attention to the manufacturer’s settlement news guidance, downstream users have a strong wait-and-see atmosphere, and the overall market is generally trading. It is expected that the price of acrylic fiber is likely to fall but difficult to rise.

Spandex industry chain:

This week, the spandex market has stabilized after a narrow adjustment. For price reference, the mainstream negotiation of 20D spandex in Jiangsu and Zhejiang region refers to 83000-85000 yuan/ton; the mainstream negotiation of 30D spandex refers to 73000-75000 yuan/ton; the mainstream negotiation of 40D spandex refers to 63000-65000 yuan/ton. Real order transactions need to be discussed with the manufacturer in detail. The average market price of spandex this week was RMB 83,900, RMB 74,000, and RMB 64,000/ton, and the weekly average price was 0.48%, 0.00%, and 0.00%, respectively. During the week, the spandex market trend stabilized, some fine denier sources were still tight and high prices, the upstream raw material market basically maintained stable operation, and the supporting role was acceptable. The manufacturers started at high levels, some coarse denier sources were stable, and there was even a small amount of inventory. The terminal market demand is slightly more cautious in following up. The pre-consumer futures sources are the main sources. The overall market production and sales rhythm is acceptable. All parties have a strong wait-and-see atmosphere for the market outlook. Zhuo Chuang expects that the spandex market will maintain stability in the short term.

Viscose industry chain:

The market price of viscose staple fiber was relatively stable this week, and the overall new transactions were weak. As of Thursday's close, the medium and high-end market prices of viscose short textile fibers refer to 15,500-15,800 yuan/ton (acceptance), which is stable compared to the closing price of last Thursday. This week, the average price of viscose short textile fibers in the medium and high-end markets was 15,650 yuan/ton (acceptance), which was stable on a week-on-week basis. From the analysis of the reasons, the price of raw material dissolving pulp has slightly loosened, and the transaction is negotiable, and the short-term manufacturers just need to follow up, and the cost pressure is still high. The overall operating load rate of the sticky short market is not high, and manufacturers' offers are firm. Downstream customers are not very motivated to get goods, and short-splitting manufacturers receive fewer new orders. The market price of high white fiber refers to 15500-15800 yuan/ton (cash), which is 1.57% lower than the closing price of last Thursday.

In the later stage, the raw material dissolving pulp is slightly loosened, the transaction is negotiable, there is not much downside space, and the cost side is still under pressure; the overall operating load rate of the sticky short market is not high, but at the end of the month, individual maintenance manufacturers will return to the normal start-up level, and the sticky short spot supply is still Relatively stable; the market for rayon yarn and downstream grey cloths is weak, and downstream customers are not enthusiastic about purchasing, and they just need small orders to follow up. Waiting for the new acquisition period when the downstream inventory is low. It is expected that the short-term viscose staple fiber market will be organized and run, and the transaction price center of the middle and high-end market will refer to 15500-15800 yuan/ton (acceptance).


Name: Southern Yangtze





Add:Zhouzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangyin Town, Wuxi