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dope dyed coloepolyester staple fiber: sold at low prices, slightly stronger

The terminal demand is poor, and downstream yarn factories have low purchasing enthusiasm. Coincidentally, some dope dyed coloepolyester staple fiber factories are processing grade products at low prices, driving a slight decline in the market transaction focus. As of June 8th, the mainstream reference for dope dyed coloepolyester staple fiber factories is 13000-13400 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.38% compared to last Friday. However, as we approach the downstream replenishment node, yarn companies are seeking bargains to replenish their goods. As of now, the signing of orders by the short sticking factories has basically ended, and most orders are scheduled for mid to early July. dope dyed coloepolyester staple fiber factories factories are showing a reluctance to sell at low prices. Today, the market's low price supply has decreased, and the mainstream focus of the market is slightly stronger. At the same time, sufficient orders will play a significant supporting role in stabilizing prices in the future market.


Name: Southern Yangtze





Add:Zhouzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangyin Town, Wuxi