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One week of chemical fiber industry trends

This week, the weekly average prices of polyester products and raw material products monitored by Zhuochuang Information mostly fell and a few rose. The specific products that fell were: polyester chips (-0.35%), ethylene glycol (-0.74), and PX (-1.77). %), PET bottle grade (-2.22%), polyester staple fiber (-3.31%), PTA (-4.39%); the only rising product is: polyester filament (0.34%). The number one decline was PTA, which fell 4.39% from the previous month. This week, the PTA market fell, crude oil fell, the spot basis was strong, and the trading atmosphere was fair. The market is worried that inflation will cause the Fed to raise interest rates, crude oil will fall, and support for PTA costs will weaken. The utilization rate of PTA equipment was 84.88% this week, up 5.86% from the previous week. The supply of PTA increased, while downstream polyester production decreased, and the demand for PTA decreased. After nearly 3 months, PTA began to accumulate inventory again. This week, the production and sales of downstream polyester products are mainly flat, and the terminal weaving industry is limited in production in some areas. The demand side of the industrial chain lacks favorable conditions. The overall increase in polyester product inventory is negative for the PTA market mentality. As of May 19, PTA futures warehouse receipts and effective forecast conversion stocks were about 1.03 million tons, down by about 20,000 tons from last Wednesday. In the end, the average spot price of PTA closed at 4570 yuan/ton during the week, down 4.39% from the previous week. This week, the average CFR China price of cargo in US dollars closed at US$648/ton, down 3.16% from the previous week. polyester staple fiber, the second-decreasing one, fell by 3.31% month-on-month. This week, the spot price of direct-spun polyester staple fiber rose first and then fell. At the beginning of this week, the price of polyester staple fiber dual raw materials was exploring narrowly, continuously compressing the cash flow of polyester staple fiber. Under the pressure of cost, the price of staple fiber factories was relatively firm, the basis of futures and cash business did not change much, and the staple fiber futures rose. Staple fiber spot prices are running warmer, but as of Wednesday and Thursday, market confidence weakened due to the sharp drop in crude oil prices, PTA, ethylene glycol and staple fiber futures prices, and the prices of staple fiber factories were on the high side. The cost line is running, and there is little willingness to ship at low prices. The market is dominated by low-priced transactions by spot traders, and the focus of market transactions has gradually declined. To the close, the mainstream prices in East China closed at 6,500-6800 yuan/ton. The average market price this week was 6,740 yuan/ton, down 3.31% from the previous month.

Recycled polyester industry chain:

Four products of recycled polyester monitored by Zhuochuang this week were weakly finished. The market for recycled PET bottle flakes was weak, and the focus of transactions in some regions declined slightly; the mainstream market price range of recycled general fiber remained, and the market price in some areas remained stable; the mainstream market price of recycled hollow fiber remained stalemate; the market price range of regrown silk maintained. The market for recycled bottle flakes is expected to consolidate next week; the market price of recycled ordinary fiber is weak and stalemate, and the market price of recycled hollow fiber is going sideways; the market price of recycled fiber is weak.

Nylon Industry Chain:

The domestic PA6 market quotes fell this week. As of Thursday's close, the focus of mainstream shipments of conventional spinning bright slices at the polymerization plant was self-raised with reference to 14,500-14,700 yuan/ton in cash, which was 1.68% lower than the closing price of last Thursday. This week, the average price of conventional spun bright slices refers to 14,680 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.66% from last week's average price. The market price of caprolactam, the raw material, remained at a high level during the week. The cost of the polymerization plant was under heavy pressure, and the quotation of slices remained high. On the other hand, the downstream demand side showed a sluggish performance. Both aggregation factories and traders had greater resistance to shipments, and the number of new orders was small, showing a situation where there was no market for prices. For shipment considerations, some manufacturers offer slightly lower prices, and the price difference between the high and low prices in the market is small. All parties remain cautious. The focus of the mainstream negotiation of high-end high-speed spinning chips spot is based on the acceptance and delivery of 15,700-15900 yuan/ton, which is 0.32% lower than the closing price of last Thursday. The short-term PA6 market trend is expected to be weak.

Acrylic fiber industry chain:

Acrylic fiber prices remained stable this week. The raw material acrylonitrile price fluctuates within a narrow range, the acrylic fiber cost support is expected to weaken slightly, and the downstream spinning mills just need to receive the raw material, the market as a whole is still focusing on the raw material acrylonitrile trend, the acrylic fiber industry equipment load is hovering at a low level, and the manufacturers' offer mentality is stable. To the close, the East China acrylic staple fiber 1.5D temporarily refers to 17000-17500 yuan/ton; the 3D acrylic tow temporarily refers to 16900-17200 yuan/ton, and the 3D acrylic fiber top price temporarily refers to around 18100 yuan/ton. As far as next week is concerned, the factory settlement date is approaching, and the market is concerned about factory news guidelines. At present, the price of raw material acrylonitrile factory is stable and weak, the pressure on acrylic fiber cost is slightly eased, and the enthusiasm of manufacturers to start construction is expected to increase. Downstream spinning mills are cautious about purchasing raw materials, and acrylic fiber factories may continue to be stable in their bidding mentality. It is expected that prices will fluctuate sideways next week.

Spandex industry chain:

This week, the spandex market is steadily finishing, and the offer is high. For price reference, the mainstream negotiation of 20D spandex in Jiangsu and Zhejiang region refers to 84000-88000 yuan/ton; the mainstream negotiation of 30D spandex refers to 74000-76000 yuan/ton; the mainstream negotiation of 40D spandex refers to 63000-65000 yuan/ton. The actual order transaction needs to be discussed with the manufacturer in detail. The average price of spandex market this week was 86,000, 75,000, 64,000 yuan/ton, and the weekly average price was 0.78%, 0.90%, and 0.00% respectively. Recently, the market trend of spandex market is still firm and slightly better. The upstream raw material market fluctuates and the cost-side support role is slightly weakened. Manufacturers are operating at a high level. However, the supply of some fine deniers is still tight, and the price remains high. The downstream end market demand is generally following. Most customers decide on production based on sales, and all parties have a strong wait-and-see atmosphere for the market outlook. Zhuo Chuang predicts that the spandex market will be narrowed after the holiday.

Viscose industry chain:

The viscose staple fiber market was weak and stable this week. As of Thursday's close, the medium and high-end market prices of viscose short textile fibers refer to 13,800-14,300 yuan/ton (acceptance), which is stable compared to last Thursday's closing price. This week, the average price of viscose short textile fibers in the medium and high-end markets was 14,050 yuan/ton (acceptance), and the average price fell 1.06% from the previous month. Analyzing the reasons, the current upstream dissolving pulp market's consolidation and operation are still under pressure on the cost side. The shipment of sticky short manufacturers is not smooth, and the inventory has accumulated. The downstream rayon yarn manufacturers just needed small orders to get the goods, and the overall trading atmosphere in the market was light. The market price of high white fiber refers to 14,200-14500 yuan/ton (cash), which is stable compared to the closing price of last Thursday.

In the later stage, it is expected that the dissolving pulp market may continue to be stable in the near future. From the cost side, the price of sticky short will be hard to fall; sticky short manufacturers started cautiously. Although there were low prices to destock in the early stage, large order transactions were small and there were still inventories. Backlog; downstream rayon yarn and terminal grey cloth market demand performance is average, on-site traders follow the market. It is estimated that the center of gravity of the transaction price in the middle and high-end market refers to 13,800-14,300 yuan/ton (acceptance).


Name: Southern Yangtze





Add:Zhouzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangyin Town, Wuxi