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polyester yarn trend

From the perspective of the downstream polyester yarn inventory, in 2022, the downstream polyester yarn inventory will continue to grow, and it has grown to around 31 days. The polyester yarn sales resistance is large, which is closely related to the low level of downstream looms. As of August 19, the average start-up load of comprehensive looms was 48.05%, down 23 percentage points from the same period last year. At the same time, the output of cloth declined, and the backlog of textile and clothing inventory led to poor transmission of terminal demand, and the negative feedback channel continued to exert upward pressure.

Outlook for market demand

Judging from the feedback of market participants and terminal data, the expectations for the upcoming traditional peak season of "Golden Nine Silver Ten" are not optimistic. According to industry insiders, the terminal printing and dyeing, weaving and spinning mills have great inventory pressure, and it is difficult to open the demand channel. If the terminal consumption increases, it will mainly digest the inventory accumulated in the early stage, which will boost the price and continue to support the market. Due to doubts about the nature, the possibility of the peak season coming as scheduled is low, or there may be a chance of delay or short-term boost, waiting for the market performance.


Name: Southern Yangtze





Add:Zhouzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangyin Town, Wuxi