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The 7th General Assembly of China Home Textiles Association and the 1st Council of the Seventh Session were held

On April 12, the 7th General Assembly of China Home Textiles Industry Association and the 1st Council of the 7th Council were held in the office of China National Textile and Apparel Council in Beijing by means of video conference.

Leaders who attended the on-site meeting in Beijing were: Sun Ruizhe, President of China National Textile and Apparel Council, Wang Tiankai, former President, Yang Zhaohua, Vice President and President of China Home Textiles Industry Association, Yang Donghui, former President of China Home Textiles Industry Association, Deputy Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Sun Xiaoyin, Director of Human Resources Department, Zhu Xiaohong, Wei Qixiong, Wang Yi, Vice Presidents of China Home Textiles Industry Association, Liu Zhaoxiang, Director of Industrial Cooperation Department of China Textile Information Center, Wu Yongqian, Secretary General of China Home Textiles Industry Association, Ge Jiangxia, Deputy Secretary General, China National Textile and Apparel Council Zhou Xiaosong, Deputy Director of Human Resources Department.

This video conference was organized in strict accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the spirit of the instructions of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and China Textile Federation. According to the receipt of the meeting, there were 536 delegates who had the right to vote in the video conference and on-site participation in Beijing, more than two-thirds of the delegates who should be present. The total number of video conference terminals and on-site delegates was 578, and the number of attendees was in line with this conference bylaws.

Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", China Home Textiles Association has overcome various unfavorable factors and has done a lot of fruitful work, promoting the formation of an industry development pattern of innovation-driven development, improved quality and efficiency, obvious brand effects, and strengthened international cooperation, making the home textile industry an industry leader. It has become an important force in the construction of a textile power. According to the "Articles of Association of China Textile Association", the term of the sixth council of the association has expired, and a new council will be elected at this conference. The advantages of enterprises and promoting the development of the industry have laid a solid foundation.

At the meeting, Sun Ruizhe delivered a speech. He said that in the past six years, under the leadership of the sixth council, China Textile Association has carried out fruitful work with extraordinary wisdom and courage. The industry has passed through many fogs, overcome various risks, and achieved stable and healthy development in an uncertain and unstable external environment. Solid foundation.

Since the beginning of this year, the external environment has become more complicated, and some unexpected factors have exceeded expectations. Under the new situation, ensuring the stable development of the industry is not only a practical need to help enterprises cope with the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock and expected weakening, but also a strategic requirement to ensure the stability of the entire economy and society and steadily promote common prosperity. It is hoped that under the leadership of the new council, China Textile Association will practice the original intention of starting a business, the ingenuity of professionalism and the public spirit of the industry with the innovative services of Mingdao, excellent technique and Hezhong; be brave to take responsibility, act actively, and face difficulties Going forward, building on the past and opening up a new situation for the smooth operation, transformation and upgrading and high-quality development of the industry.

Focusing on the industry work after the re-election of the China Home Textiles Association, Sun Ruizhe put forward three expectations: first, the industry work should climb to a higher level, have a clear mind, and serve the country's strategy and overall situation; second, the industry work should expand in breadth, maintain integrity, innovate, and extend The field and scope of services; the third is that the industry work should be deeply excavated, intensively cultivated, and improve the quality and connotation of development. It is hoped that on the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the China Home Textiles Association can continue to move forward, promote the high-quality development of the home textile industry, and create a better future.


Name: Southern Yangtze





Add:Zhouzhuang Industry Zone, Jiangyin Town, Wuxi